
Kindergarten–5th Grade

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See what happens on UpStreet!

We're helping kids grow in faith and build great friendships. They'll have so much fun learning:

  • God loves me.
  • I can trust God no matter what.
  • I should love others the way Jesus loves me.

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This month in UpStreet, your child is learning...

UpStreet's Big Idea, Joy
May Verse of the Month sticker

Monthly Water Bottle Sticker

Add it to your UpStreet water bottle!

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UpStreet's Car Tag

UpStreet's Car Tag

Make time in the car matter.

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UpStreet's video thumbnail

May 21, 2023

Sharing Is Caring 

When you find something good, you tell your friends. Jesus is one of those things. Don’t keep his awesomeness to yourself. 

Keeping Parents in the Know

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Special Needs Environments

We have environments and support specifically designed for children and students with special needs.

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Other Environments for Kids and Students