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Make Room

Samer Massad
Sep 2023

What’s the key to a thriving spiritual life? To thrive in any area of life, we set practices for growth and progress. Spiritual...

Be Rich 2023

Andy Stanley with Hal Donaldson
Sep 10, 2023

As we see in this interview with Hal Donaldson, sometimes difficult circumstances can inspire people to do something great.


Andy Stanley
Aug-Sep 2023

In the first century, the cross was a symbol of suffering and shame. In this series, we’ll talk about how it now represents an empowering...

Practicing What I Preach

Andy Stanley
Aug 06, 2023

Following Jesus is complicated. We all need help figuring it out and sticking with it.


Joel Thomas
Jul 2023

Great friendships are rare as adults. We go through most of life with built-in friendships, but then we’re thrown into the real world...
