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The Menace, Myth & Mayhem of Autonomy

Andy Stanley
Jun 21, 2020

Autonomy looks appealing on the surface. After all, having the freedom to do what you want to do is viewed as living successfully. But...

This Human Race

Andy Stanley
Jun 07, 2020

Perhaps nothing characterized the life of Jesus more than his pursuit of people whose lives and lifestyles did not look like his. If we...

Better For It

Andy Stanley
May 2020

A new normal is coming. If we're wise, we'll reflect on what we've learned and what we want to carry forward. After all, pain without any...

The Wander Years

Gavin Adams
May 2020

We all experience times of uncertainty, and those seasons are fraught with negative emotions. It’s like we’re wandering around, and we...

The Messy Middle

Andy Stanley
Apr 2020

There are difficult seasons of life you can't pray away, obey away, or faith away. But there is a way. It begins with the end in mind.
